Publications                                              Cumulative Impact Factor : 100+

                International Journal Papers    JCR: 34Total Citations: 621        | h-index:13| i10-index:14

                  ORCHID ID:  (,

                 Google Scholar ID: Dr. Saud Hashmi

  1. Cui, S.-M.; Saud Hashmi.; Li, W.-Q.; Handschuh-Wang, S.; Zhu, C.-T.; Wang, S.-C.; Yang, P.-P.; Huang,Y.-F.; Zhu, G.-M.; Stadler, F.J. Influence of Cellulose Nanofibers on the Behavior of Pickering Emulsions.Part 1. Microscopy and Startup Flow Test. Materials2022,15, 8285. IF:4.2
  2. Kainat Amin Bora, Saud Hashmi, Faisal Zulfiqar , Zainul Abideen, Haibat Ali , Zamin Shaheed Siddiqui  and Kadambot H. M. Siddique, “Recent progress in biomediated synthesis and applications of engineered nanomaterials for sustainable agriculture”, Frontiers in Plant Science Front. Plant Sci. 13:999505.doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.999505 October 2022 I.F : 6.67
  3. Maria Hasnain, Zainul Abideen, Saud Hashmi, Shagufta Naz & Neelma Munir, “Assessing the potential of nutrient deficiency for enhancement of biodiesel production in algal resources”, Biofuels, 05 August 2022. I.F: 2.95
  4. Ghadia Ahmed, Faaz Ahmed Butt, Faizan Raza, Saud Hashmi, G Gnana Kumar, Maria Christy, “The study of different redox mediators for competent Li–air batteries”, Journal of Power Sources,Vol-538 pages-231379, Elsevier 1 August 2022. I.F: 9.12
  5. Shaine Mohammadali Lalji, Syed Imran Ali, Rafiq Ahmed, Saud Hashmi, Zahoor Ul Hussain Awan, Yunus Jawed,” Study the effect of mineral content on water diffusion mechanism and swelling characteristics in shale formation of Pakistan”,  Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2022. IF:0.5
  6. Saud Hashmi, Taqvi, S.A.A.Abideen, Z.Ahmed, J.P.Talha, M.Bhatti, M.A.Shahid, H.Naqvi, S.R. Almomani, F., “Simulation of steam gasification of halophyte biomass for syngas production using Aspen Plus®”, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 2022, IF:4.6.
  7. Shaine Mohammadali Lalji, Syed Imran Ali, Rqfiq Ahmed, Saud Hashmi, Zahoor Ul Hussain Awan, Syed Wajahat Ali Qazi, “Influence of graphene oxide on salt-polymer mud rheology and Pakistan shale swelling inhibition behavior”, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2022. IF:0.5
  8. Saud Hashmi, Asim Mushtaq, Rafiq Ahmed, Raza Muhammad Khan, Zaeem Uddin Ali, “Synthesis and Application of Hydrogels for Oil-Water Separation.”, Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (IJCCE). 2022 IF:0.67
  9. Florian J Stadler, Shuming Cui, Saud Hashmi, Stephan Handschuh-Wang, Wenqiang Li, Shichang Wang, Zhi-Chao Yan, Guangming Zhu , “Multiple interval thixotropic test (miTT)—an advanced tool for the rheological characterization of emulsions and other colloidal systems”, Rheologica Acta, 2022. IF:2.5
  10. Saud Hashmi, Saad Nadeem, Alberto García-Peñas, Rafiq Ahmed, Awan Zahoor, Mohammad Vatankhah-Varnoosfaderani, and Florian J. Stadler, “Study the Effects of Supramolecular Interaction on Diffusion Kinetics in Hybrid Hydrogels of Zwitterionic Polymers and CNTs”, Macromol. Chem. Phys. Jan 2022. IF:2.6.
  11. SM Lalji, SI Ali, R Ahmed, Saud Hashmi, ZUH Awan, “Comparative performance analysis of different swelling kinetic models for the evaluation of shale swelling”, Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, 24 November 2021. IF:2.07
  12. María Moral-Zamorano , Isabel Quijada-Garrido , Verónica San-Miguel , Berna Serrano , Juan Baselga , Saud Hashmi , Florian J. Stadler, and Alberto García-Peñas, “Concentration Effect over Thermoresponse Derived from Organometallic Compounds of Functionalized Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-dopamine Methacrylamide)”, Polymers 2021, 13, 3921.  IF:4.3
  13. Alberto García-Peñas , Weijun Liang , Saud Hashmi , Gaurav Sharma, Mohammad Reza Saeb  and Florian J. Stadler “Hydrogen Bonds in Blends of Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide), Poly(N-ethylacrylamide) Homopolymers, and Carboxymethyl Cellulose”, J. Compos. Sci. 2021, 5, 240.
  14. Sajid Muhbat, Muhammad Tufail, Saud Hashmi, “Production of Diesel-like Fuel by Co-Pyrolysis of Waste Lubricating Oil and Waste Cooking Oil”,  Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery accepted 5 May 2021 (In Press). IF: 2.602.
  15. Awan Zahoor, Raza Faizan, Khaled Elsaid, Saud Hashmi, Faaz Ahmed Butt, Zafar Khan Ghouri, “Synthesis and experimental investigation of δ-MnO2/N-rGO nanocomposite for Li-O2 batteries applications”, Chemical Engineering Journal Advances Volume 7, 15 August 2021, 100115.
  16. Zahoor Hussein Awan, Bilal Kazmi, Hashmi Saud, Faizan Raza, Sahzeb Hasan, Farzana Yasmin, “ Process System Engineering (PSE) Analysis on Process and Optimization of the Isomerization Process”, Iran. J. Chem. Chem. Eng. Research Article Vol 40 (1) 2021 I.F: 1.01.
  17. Awan Zahoor, Zafar Khan Ghouri, Saud Hashmi, Faizan Raza, Shagufta Ishtiaque, Saad Nadeem, Inayat Ullah, and Kee Suk Nahm,”Electrocatalysts for the Lithium air batteries: Current status and the challenges”. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 7 (17), 14288-14320 2019  I.F: 6.2.
  18. Hashmi S, Saad Nadeem, Awan Zahoor, Adeel ur Rehman, Ahsen Abdul Ghani “Synthesis, Applications and Swelling Properties of Poly (Sodium Acrylate-Coacrylamide) Based Superabsorbent Hydrogels  Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan 41 (4), 668-678 October 2019  I.F: 0.28.
  19. Syed KazmiZahoor Awan , Saud Hashmi “Simulation Study of Ionic Liquid Utilization for Desulfurization of Model Gasoline” Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (IJCCE) 38 (4), 209-221 July 2019  I.F: 1.01.
  20. Hashmi S, Awan Zahoor, Zafar Khan Ghouri “Thermo-Rheological Complexity of Novel Branch Polyethylene Synthesized by High Performance Bulky -Diimine Nickel (II) Catalysts”, Materials Focus 7 (4), 573-581,  August 1, 2018.
  21. Bilal Kazmi, Awan Zahoor, Hashmi S “Viability of Shale Gas and CO2 Removal using 1-Butyl-3-Methylimidazolium Tetrafluoroborate”, International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, Volume 3, Issue 5, May – 2018
  22. Bilal Kazmi, Awan Zahoor, Hashmi S, Zafar Khan Ghouri "Desulfurization of the dibenzothiophene (DBT) by using imidazolium-based ionic liquids(Ils)" Materials Physics and Chemistry  April-(2018) Volume 2.
  23. Zahoor Awan , Zafar Khan Ghouri , Hashmi S "Influence of Ag nanoparticles on state of the art MnO2 nanorods performance as an electrocatalyst for lithium air batterie" Hydrogen Energy, Volume 43, Issue 5, 1 February (2018), Pages 2930-2942. IF:3.5
  24. Mohammad Vatankhah-Varnoosfaderani, Hashmi S, Florian J. Stadler, Amin GhavamiNejad ” Mussel-inspired 3D networks with stiff-irreversible or soft-reversible characteristics - It's all a matter of solvent” Polymer Testing, Volume 62, Pages 96-101, June 2017 IF: 2.24.
  25. Stadler FJ, Hashmi S, GhavamiNejad A, Vatankhah-Varnoosfaderani M , " Rheology of dopamine containing polymers ", ANNUAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE NORDIC RHEOLOGY SOCIETY, VOL. 25, 2017.
  26. Hashmi S, GhavamiNejad A, , Mohammad Vatankhah-Varnoosfaderani, Florian J. Stadler “Effect of H2O and reduced graphene oxide on the structure and rheology of self-healing, stimuli responsive catecholic gels” Rheologica Acta, Volume 55, Issue 2, pp 163–176, February 2016 IF: 1.8
  27. Mohammad Vatankhah-Varnoosfaderani,Amin GhavamiNejad,Hashmi S,Florian J. Stadler “Hydrogen Bonding in Aprotic Solvents, a New Strategy for Gelation of Bioinspired Catecholic Copolymers with N –Isopropylamide”,Macromolecular Rapid Communication, Volume 36, Issue 5, pages 447452, March 2015 IF: 4.6.
  28. Hashmi S, Mohammad Vatankhah-Varnoosfaderani, Amin GhavamiNejad, Francis O. Obiweluozor,Bing Du,Florian J. Stadler,” Self-associations and temperature dependence of aqueous solutions of zwitterionically modified N-isopropylacrylamide copolymers”, Rheologica Acta, DOI 10.1007/s00397-015-0837-z,February 2015 IF: 1.8.
  29. Hashmi S, GhavamiNejad A, Stadler FJ,” Oscillations in modulus in solutions of graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide with grafted poly-N-isopropylamide”, Soft Matter, 2015,11, 1315-1325 IF: 4.2
  30. G. Gnana Kumar , Hashmi S, C. Karthikeyan, Amin GhavamiNejad, Mohammad Vatankhah-Varnoosfaderani, Florian J. Stadler, “Carbonaceous nanocomposite hydrogels – versatile building blocks for microbial fuel cell applications”,Macromolecular Rapid Communication,Volume 35, Issue 21, pages 18611865, November 2014 IF: 4.6
  31. GhavamiNejad A, Hashmi S, Mohammad Vatankhah-Varnoosfaderani, Florian J. Stadler,” Network formation in graphene oxide composites with surface grafted PNIPAM chains in aqueous solution characterized by rheological experiments”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2014,16, 8675-8685. IF: 3.8
  32. Francis O. Obiweluozor, Amin GhavamiNejad, Hashmi S, Mohammad Vatankhah-Varnoosfaderaniand, Florian J. Stadler, “A NIPAM–Zwitterion Copolymer: Rheological Interpretation of the Specific Ion Effect on the LCST”, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 2014, DOI: 10.1002/macp.201300778. IF: 2.3
  33. Mohammad Vatankhah-Varnoosfaderani, Hashmi S, Amin GhavamiNejad, Florian J. Stadler, “Rapid Self-Healing and Triple Stimuli Responsiveness of a Supramolecular Polymer Gel Based on Boron-Catechol Interactions in a Novel Water-Soluble Mussel-Inspired Copolymer”, Polym. Chem., 2014,5, 512-523 IF: 5.4
  34. Mohammad-Vatankhah-Varnoosfaderani, Amin GhavamiNejad, Hashmi S, Florian J. Stadler “Mussel-Inspired pH-triggered Reversible Foamed Gel – the Surprising Effect of Water”, Chemical Communications 2013, 49, 41, 4685-4687. IF: 6.3
  35. Hashmi S, GhavamiNejad A, Obiweluozor F, Vatankhah-Varnoosfaderani M, Stadler FJ, "Supramolecular Interaction Controlled Diffusion Mechanism and Improved Mechanical Behavior of Hybrid Hydrogel Systems of Zwitterions and CNT", Macromolecules, 2012, 45 (24),pp 9804–9815. IF: 5.5.
  36. Hashmi S, Obiweluozor F, GhavamiNejad A, Vatankhah-Varnoosfaderani M, Stadler FJ, "On-line Observation of Hydrogels during Swelling and LCST-induced changes", Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, 2012, 24, 3, 191-198. IF:1.2
  37. Kainat Amin Bora, Hashmi S, Faisal Zulfiqar , Zainul Abideen, Haibat Ali , Zamin Shaheed Siddiqui  and Kadambot H. M. Siddique, “Recent progress in biomediated synthesis and applications of engineered nanomaterials for sustainable agriculture”, Frontiers in Plant Science



  1. Park JH, Raza F., Jeon SJ, Kim HI, Kang TW, Yim DB, and Kim JH*, “Recyclable N-heterocyclic carbene/palladium catalyst on graphene oxide for the aqueous-phase Suzuki reaction”, Tetrahedron Letters, 2014, 55, 3426-3430. (Co-First Author)
  2. Raza F., Park JH, Lee HR, Kim HI, Jeon SJ and Kim JH*, “Visible-Light- Driven Oxidative Coupling Reactions of Amines by Photoactive WS2 Nanosheets”, ACS Catalysis, 2016, 6, 2754-275.
  3. Lee HR, Park JH, Raza F., Yim DB, Jeon SJ, Kim HI, Bong KW and Kim JH*, “Photoactive WS2 nanosheets bearing plasmonic nanoparticles for visible light-driven reduction of nitrophenol”, Chemical Communications, 2016, 52, 6150-6153
  4. Park JH, Raza F., Jeon SJ, Yim DB, Kim HI, Kang TW and Kim JH*, “Oxygen-mediated formation of MoS x-doped hollow carbon dots for visible light-driven photocatalysis”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4, 14796-14803
  5. Jeon SJ, Kang TW, Ju JM, Kim MJ, Park JH, Raza F. and Kim JH*, “Modulating the Photocatalytic Activity of Graphene Quantum Dots via Atomic Tailoring for Highly Enhanced Photocatalysis under Visible Light”, Advanced Functional Materials, 2016, 26, 8211-8219
  6. Raza F., Yim DB, Park JH, Kim HI, Jeon SJ and Kim JH*, “Structuring Pd Nanoparticles on 2H-WS2 Nanosheets Induces Extraordinary Photocatalytic Activity under Visible Light”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2017, 139, 14767–14774.
  7. Yim DB, Raza F., Park JH, JH Lee, HI Kim, JK Yang, IJ Hwang and Kim JH*, “Ultrathin WO3 Nanosheets Converted from Metallic WS2 Sheets by Spontaneous Formation and Deposition of PdO Nanoclusters for Visible Light-driven C-C Coupling Reactions”, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2019, 11, 36960-36969.
  8. A. Zahoor*, ZK Ghouri*, S. Hashmi, Raza F., S. Ishtiaque, S. Nadeem, I. Ullah, KS. Nahm* “Electrocatalysts for Lithium–Air Batteries: Current Status and Challenges”, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2019, 7, 14288-14320.
  9. Adil, M., Zaid, H. M., Raza F. and Agam, M. A.* “Experimental evaluation of oil recovery mechanism using a variety of surface-modified silica nanoparticles: Role of in-situ surface-modification in oil-wet system”, PLoS ONE, 2020, 7, e0236837.
  10. Israr, M., Raza F., Nazar, N., Ahmed, T., Khan, M. F., Park, TJ* & Saim, M. A. B.* “Rapid conjunction of 1D carbon nanotubes and 2D graphitic carbon nitride with ZnO for improved optoelectronic properties”, Applied Nanoscience, 2020, 10, 3805–3817.
  11. Basit, M. A., Raza F., Sumayya, Karima, G., Ali, I. and Sajid B. “Development of CZTS sensitized TiO2 nanoparticles via p-SILAR: Concomitant salvaging of photocatalytic SnO2 and CZTS”, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2020, 31, 17563–17573.
  12. Kazmi, B., Raza F., Taqvi, S.A.A., Awan, Z.H., Ali, S. I. and Suleman, H.* “Energy, exergy and economic (3E) evaluation of CO2 capture from natural gas using pyridinium functionalized ionic liquids: a simulation study”, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2021, 90, 103951.
  13. Awan, Z.*,   Kazmi, B., Hashmi, S., Raza F., Hasan, S. and Yasmin, F. “Process system engineering (PSE) analysis on process and optimization of the isomerization process”, Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 2021, 7, 14288-14320.
  14. Awan, Z., Raza F., Elsaid, K., Hashmi, S., Butt, F. A. and Ghouri Z. K.* “Synthesis and experimental investigation of δ-MnO2/N-rGO nanocomposite for Li-O2 batteries applications”, Chemical Engineering Journal Advances, 2021 7, 100115.
  15. Kazmi. B., Taqvi S. A. A*, Raza F., Haider J., Naqvi S.R.,Khan M.S and Ali A.* “Exergy, advance exergy, and exergo-environmental based assessment of alkanol amine-and piperazine-based solvents for natural gas purification”, Chemosphere, 2022 307, 136001.
  16. Asad S., Awan Z.*, Butt F.A., Hashmi S., Raza F., Ahad I.U., Hakami J., Ullah S., Al-Ahmed A., Khan F and Christy M.* “Recent Advances in Titanium Carbide MXene (Ti3C2Tx) Cathode Material for Lithium–Air Battery”, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2022 5, 11933–11946.
  17. Ghadia Ahmed, Faaz Ahmed Butt, Raza F., Saud Hashmi, G Gnana Kumar and Christy M.* “The study of different redox mediators for competent Li–air batteries”, Journal of Power Sources, 2022 538, 231379.
  18. Zahoor Awan, Asad Akhter Naqvi, Zain Shahid, Faaz Ahmed Butt, Raza F., “Synthesis and Characterization of Graphene sheets from graphite powder by using ball milling”, Revista UIS Ingenierías, 2022 21, 71-76.
  19. Muhammad Abdul Basit, Faizan Raza, Gohar Ali, Amna Parveen, Mahmood Khan, Tae Joo Park “Nanoscale modification of carbon fibers with CdS quantum-dot sensitized TiO2: Photocatalytic and photothermal evaluation under visible irradiation”, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2022 142, 106485
  20. Asad A Naqvi, Awan Zahoor, Asif Ahmed Shaikh, Faaz Ahmed Butt, Faizan Raza, Inam Ul Ahad “Aprotic lithium air batteries with oxygen-selective membranes”, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 2022, 1-14


List of Publications

Overall: 32 Publications (First 3 Authors:23)

SCI/International Journals (First 3 Authors:11, Others:7)

  1. Uddin, F., Tufa, L. D. & Maulud, A. S. (2018). Consistent and Effective Nonlinearity Index and its Application on Model Predictive Controller Performance Deterioration. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 57 (43), 14596–14606 
  2. Uddin, F., Tufa, L. D., Maulud, A. S. & Taqvi, S. A. (2018). System Behavior and Predictive Controller Performance Near the Azeotropic Region. Chemical Engineering & Technology 41 (4), 806-818 
  3. Uddin, F., Tufa, L. D., Taqvi, S. A., & Vellen, N.  (2017). Development of Regression Models by Closed–Loop Identification of Distillation Column-A Case Study. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 10(2). 
  4. Uddin, F., Taqvi, S.A., & Memon, I. (2016). Process simulation and sensitivity analysis of indirect coal gasification using aspen plus® model. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 11 (17), pp. 10546-10552. 
  5. Qadir, D., Uddin, F., Nasir, R., & Mukhtar, H. (2022). Rejection analysis and performance prediction of tubular membranes for dissolved salts. Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik, 53(5), 636-643.
  6. Ul Haq, S.E., Uddin, F., Taqvi, S. A., Naqvi, M., Naqvi, S.R. (2021). Multistage carbon dioxide compressor efficiency enhancement using waste heat powered absorption chillers. Energy Sci Eng., 00: 1– 12.
  7. Rubab, S., Khan, M. M., Uddin, F., Abbas Bangash, Y., & Taqvi, S. A. A. (2022). A Study on AI‐based Waste Management Strategies for the COVID‐19 Pandemic. ChemBioEng Reviews, 9(2), 212-226.
  8. Malik, A., Hussain, M., Uddin, F., Raza, W., Hussain, S., Habiba, U. E., ... & Ajmal, Z. (2021). Investigation of textile dyeing effluent using activated sludge system to assess the removal efficiency. Water Environment Research, 93(12), 2931-2940.
  9. Taqvi, S. A. A., Zabiri, H., Uddin, F., Naqvi, M., Tufa, L. D., Kazmi, M., ... & Maulud, A. S. (2022). Simultaneous fault diagnosis based on multiple kernel support vector machine in nonlinear dynamic distillation column. Energy Science & Engineering, 10(3), 814-839.
  10. Hussain, M., Zabiri, H., Uddin, F. et al. Pilot-scale biomass gasification system for hydrogen production from palm kernel shell (part A): steady-state simulation. Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2021).
  11. Hussain, M., Zabiri, H., Uddin, F., Yusup, S., & Tufa, L. D. (2021). Pilot-scale biomass gasification system for hydrogen production from palm kernel shell (part B): dynamic and control studies. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 1-23.
  12. Qadir, D., Nasir, R., Mukhtar, H., Uddin, F. (2021). Performance prediction of flat sheet commercial nanofiltration membrane using Donnan-Steric Pore Model. Membrane Water Treatment, 12 (2), 59-64. DOI:
  13. Idris, A., Man, Z., Maulud, A. S., & Uddin, F. Modified Bruggeman Models for Prediction of CO2 Permeance in Polycarbonate/Silica Nanocomposite Membranes. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. DOI:10.1002/cjce.22933 
  14. Idris, A., Man, Z., Bustam, A., Rabat, N. E., Uddin, F., & Abdul Mannan, H. (2019). Grindability and abrasive behavior of coal blends: analysis and prediction. International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization, 1-27.
  15. Taqvi, S. A. A., Zabiri, H., Tufa, L. D., Uddin, F., Fatima, S. A., & Maulud, A. S., “A Review on Data-Driven Learning Approaches for Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Chemical Processes”. ChemBioEng Review. (2021).
  16. Taqvi, S. A. A., Zabiri, H., Tufa, L. D., Uddin, F., Fatima, S. A., & Maulud, A. S. (2020). NARX Network based Data-Driven Algorithm for Detection of Tray Faults in Nonlinear Dynamic Distillation Column. Jurnal Teknologi, 82(5). (Q2, SCOPUS Indexed).
  17. Taqvi, S. A., Tufa, L. D., Zabiri, H., Maulud, A. S., & Uddin, F. Multiple Fault Diagnosis in Distillation Column Using Multikernel Support Vector Machine. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 57 (43), 14689-14706. 
  18. Taqvi, S. A., Tufa, L. D., Zabiri, H., Maulud, A. S., & Uddin, F. Fault detection in distillation column using NARX neural network. Neural Computing and Applications, 1-17 
  19. Shahbaz, M., Taqvi, S. A., Loy, A. C. M., Inayat, A., Uddin, F., Bokhari, A., Naqvi, S. R. Artificial neural network approach for the steam gasification of palm oil waste using bottom ash and CaO. Renewable energy 132, 243-254 
  20. Shakeel, K., Javaid, M., Muazzam, Y., Naqvi, S. R., Taqvi, S. A. A., Uddin, F., ... & Niazi, M. (2020). Performance Comparison of Industrially Produced Formaldehyde Using Two Different Catalysts. Processes, 8(5), 571.
  21. Taqvi, S. A., Uddin, F., Tufa, L. D., Memon, I., & Hussain, M. (2015). Aspen Plus® Simulation of a Coal Gasification Process (Geometric Analysis). Journal of Chemical Engineering & Process Technology, 6(6), 1. 
  22. Taqvi, S.A., Sohail, M., & Uddin. F (2016). Utilization of Ion- Exchange Technology for Boiler Feed Water Production-Design and Testing. Chemical Engineering, 1, 26-35. 

Conference Papers: (First 3 Authors:7, Others:2)

  1. Uddin, F., Tufa, L. D., Yousif, S. M. T., & Maulud, A. S. (2016). Comparison of ARX and ARMAX decorrelation models for detecting model-plant mismatch. Procedia Engineering, 148, 985-991. 
  2. Uddin, F., Memon, I., & Taqvi, S. A. (2016). Sensitivity Analysis of Thar Coal Gasification Using Steam. Proceedings of AMPE, 2015, Karachi, Pakistan. 
  3. Uddin, F., Taqvi, S.A., & Memon, I. (2013, November). Mitigating Energy Crisis by Coal Gasification using Steam - Sensitivity Analysis using Aspen-Plus® Simulation. Proceedings of 1st International Coal Conference ICC2013. 
  4. Vohra, F. I., Uddin, F., & Taqvi, S. A. (2016). Development of a Proto-type Model for Drinking Water Treatment using Activated Carbon. Proceedings of AMPE, 2015, Karachi, Pakistan. 
  5. Chohan, M. S., Uddin, F., Awan Z., & Hashmi, S. (2015). Production of Biodiesel by Reactive Distillation - Simulation Studies Using Aspen Plus®. In 5th International Mechanical Engineering Congress. 
  6. Taqvi, S. A., Memon, I., & Uddin, F. (2013). To Study the Behaviour of Gasifier and Simulation of Coal Gasification using Steam using Aspen Plus® Model (Geometric Analysis). Proceedings of 1st International Coal Conference ICC2013. 
  7. Taqvi, S. A., Memon, I., & Uddin, F. (2013). Future of Clean Energy and Environment - Coal Gasification. Proceedings of 4th National Conference on Energy and Environment. 
  8. Taqvi, S. A., Tufa, L. D., Zabiri, H., Mahadzir, S., Maulud, A. S., & Uddin, F. (2017, August). Rigorous dynamic modelling and identification of distillation column using Aspen Plus. In Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium (ICSGRC), 2017 IEEE 8th (pp. 262-267). IEEE. 
  9. Taqvi, S. A., Tufa, L. D., Zabiri, H., Mahadzir, S., Maulud, A. S., & Uddin, F. (2017, August). Artificial Neural Network for Anomalies Detection in Distillation Column. In Asian Simulation Conference (pp. 302-311). Springer, Singapore. 

Book/Book Chapters: 

  1. Taqvi, S. A., Uddin, F., & Memon, I. (2016). Indirect Coal Gasification using Aspen-Plus® Model, Simulation Studies and Geometric Analysis. Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN: 978-3-659-79355-4


Journal Publications


  1. Kazmi, Bilal, Junaid Haider, Syed Ali Ammar Taqvi, Syed Imran Ali, Muhammad Abdul Qyyum, Vijay Mohan Nagulapati, and Hankwon Lim. "Tetracyanoborate anion–based ionic liquid for natural gas sweetening and DMR-LNG process: Energy, exergy, environment, exergo-environment, and economic perspectives." Separation and Purification Technology 303 (2022): 122242. (IF: 9.136)
  2. Asif, Khadija, Serene Sow Mun Lock, Syed Ali Ammar Taqvi, Norwahyu Jusoh, Chung Loong Yiin, and Bridgid Lai Fui Chin. "A molecular simulation study on amine-functionalized silica/polysulfone mixed matrix membrane for mixed gas separation." Chemosphere 311 (2023): 136936. (IF: 8.943)
  3. Muzammil khan, Salman Raza Naqvi, ZahidU llah, Syed Ali Ammar Taqvi, Nouman Aslam Khan, Wasif Farooq, Taqi Mehran, M., Juchelková, D., & Štěpanec, L. (2023). Applications of machine learning in thermochemical conversion of biomass-A review. Fuel, 332, 126055. (IF: 8.035)
  4. Bilal Kazmi, Syed Ali Ammar Taqvi, Faizan Raza, Junaid Haider, Salman Raza Naqvi, Muhammad Saad Khan, Abulhassan Ali, "Exergy, advance exergy, and exergo-environmental based assessment of alkanol amine- and piperazine-based solvents for natural gas purification", Chemosphere, (2022): 136001, (IF: 8.943)
  5. Arshad, Ushtar, Syed Ali Ammar Taqvi, and Azizul Buang. "Experimental analysis and data-driven machine learning modelling of the minimum ignition temperature (MIT) of aluminium dust." Fuel 324 (2022): 124569. (IF: 8.035)
  6. Kok, Tze Lin, Chris Aldrich, Haslinda Zabiri, Syed Ali Ammar Taqvi, and Jacques Olivier. "Application of unthresholded recurrence plots and texture analysis for industrial loops with faulty valves." Soft Computing (2022): 1-16. (IF: 3.643)
  7. Rubab, Saddaf, Malik M. Khan, Fahim Uddin, Yawar Abbas Bangash, and Syed Ali Ammar Taqvi. "A Study on AI‐based Waste Management Strategies for the COVID‐19 Pandemic." ChemBioEng Reviews 9, no. 2 (2022): 212-226. (IF: 6.207)
  8. Ali, Husnain, Abdulhalim Shah Maulud, Haslinda Zabiri, Muhammad Nawaz, Humbul Suleman, and Syed Ali Ammar Taqvi. "Multiscale Principal Component Analysis-Signed Directed Graph Based Process Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis." ACS Omega 7, No. 11 (2022): 9496-9512. (IF: 4.132)
  9. Hashmi, Saud, Syed Ali Ammar Taqvi, Zainul Abideen, Jazib Pervaiz Ahmed, Muhammad Talha, Muhammad Amir Bhatti, Haris Shahid, Salman Raza Naqvi, and Fares Almomani. "Simulation of steam gasification of halophyte biomass for syngas production using Aspen Plus®." Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery (2022): 1-10. (IF: 4.050)
  10. Syed Ali Ammar Taqvi, H., Uddin, F., Naqvi, M., Tufa, L. D., Kazmi, M., ... & Maulud, A. S. (2022). Simultaneous fault diagnosis based on multiple kernel support vector machine in a non-linear dynamic distillation column. Energy Science & Engineering. (IF: 4.170)
  11. Naqvi, S. R., Syed Ali Ammar Taqvi, Khoja, A. H., Ali, I., Mehran, M. T., FAROOQ, W., ... & Atabani, A. Valorization of Wet Oily Petrochemical Sludge via Slow Pyrolysis: Thermo-Kinetics Assessment and Artificial Neural Network Modelling. Frontiers in Energy Research, 964. (IF: 4.008)
  12. Fatima, S. A., Zabiri, H., Syed Ali Ammar Taqvi, S. A. A., Ramli, N., & Maulud, A. S. Intelligent Control of an Industrial Debutanizer Column. Chemical Engineering & Technology. (IF: 1.75)
  13. Khan, M. A., Naqvi, S. R., Syed Ali Ammar Taqvi, Shahbaz, M., Ali, I., Mehran, M. T., ... & Juchelková, D. (2021). Air gasification of high-ash sewage sludge for hydrogen production: Experimental, sensitivity and predictive analysis. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. (IF: 5.816)
  14. Abdalla, M. E., Abdalla, S.A. Syed Ali Ammar Taqvi, A., Naqvi, S. R., & Chen, W. H. (2022). Investigation of Biomass Integrated Air Gasification Regenerative Gas Turbine Power Plants. Energies, 15(3), 741. (IF: 3.004)


  1. Kazmi, B., Taqvi, Syed Ali Ammar Taqvi, Syed Imran Ali (2022), Ionic Liquid Assessment as Suitable Solvent for Biogas Upgrading Technology Based on the Process System Engineering Perspective. CBEN. (IF: 6.207)
  2. Kazmi, Bilal, Junaid Haider, Syed Ali Ammar Taqvi, Muhammad Abdul Qyyum, Syed Imran Ali, Zahoor Ul Hussain Awan, Hankwon Lim, Muhammad Naqvi, and Salman Raza Naqvi. "Thermodynamic and economic assessment of cyano functionalized anion based ionic liquid for CO2 removal from natural gas integrated with, single mixed refrigerant liquefaction process for clean energy." Energy (2021): 122425. (IF: 7.14)
  3. Syed Ali Ammar Taqvi and Bilal Kazmi,  "Green Insights on Biogas Processing Technologies” J Bioprocess Biotech 12 (2021): 495. 
  4. Asif, Khadija, Serene Sow Mun Lock, Syed Ali Ammar Taqvi, Norwahyu Jusoh, Chung Loong Yiin, Bridgid Lai Fui Chin, and Adrian Chun Minh Loy. 2021. "A Molecular Simulation Study of Silica/Polysulfone Mixed Matrix Membrane for Mixed Gas Separation" Polymers 13, no. 13: 2199. 4.213)
  5. Arshad, U., Syed Ali Ammar Taqvi., Buang, A., & Awad, A. (2021). SVM, ANN, and PSF modeling approach for prediction of iron dust minimum ignition temperature (MIT) based on the synergistic effect of dispersion pressure and concentration. Process Safety and Environmental Protection.  (IF: 4.699)
  6. Syed Ali Ammar Taqvi, Naqvi, M., Ilyas, S. U., Moshin, A., Inamullah, F., & Naqvi, S. R. "Process system analysis on oil processing facility and economic viability from oil well-to-tank." SN Applied Sciences 3.7 (2021): 1-11. 
  7. Kazmi, B., Raza, F., Syed Ali Ammar Taqvi, Ali, S. I., & Suleman, H. Energy, exergy and economic (3E) evaluation of CO2 capture from natural gas using pyridinium functionalized ionic liquids: a simulation study. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 103951, (2021), (IF:3.841)
  8. Syed Ali Ammar Taqvi, Zabiri, H., Tufa, L.D., Uddin, F., Fatima, S.A. and Maulud, A.S. (2021), A Review on Data‐Driven Learning Approaches for Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Chemical Processes. CBEN., (February 2021) (IF: 3.84)
  9. Tazien Rashid, Syed Ali Ammar Taqvi, Farooq Sher, Saddaf Rubab, Murugesan Thanabalan, Muhammad Bilal, Badar ul Islam, "Enhanced lignin extraction and optimisation from oil palm biomass using neural network modelling," Fuel, Volume 293, 2021, (IF: 5.578)
  10. Arshad, Ushtar, Syed Ali Ammar Taqvi, and Azizul Buang. "Modelling of the Minimum Ignition Temperature (MIT) of Corn Dust using Statistical Analysis and Artificial Neural networks based on the Synergistic Effect of Concentration and Dispersion Pressure." Process Safety and Environmental Protection. (2021). (IF: 4.966).
  11. Fatima, Syeda Anmol, Nasser Ramli, Syed Ali Ammar Taqvi, and Haslinda Zabiri. "Prediction of industrial debutanizer column compositions using data-driven ANFIS-and ANN-based approaches." Neural Computing and Applications: (2021) 1-13. (IF: 4.7)
  12. Sultan, Tahir, Haslinda Zabiri, Syed Ali Ammar Taqvi, and M. Shahbaz. "Plant-wide MPC control scheme for CO2 absorption/stripping system." Materials Today: Proceedings  (2021).
  13. Thangarajoo, N., Taqvi, Syed Ali Ammar, Matheswaran, P., Johari, K., & Noh, M. H.  "Prediction of infinite dilution activity coefficient of alcohol in ionic liquids using group contribution method". Journal of Molecular Liquids, 114723, (2021).  (IF: 5.065).
  14. Naqvi, S. R., Naqvi, M., Taqvi, Syed Ali Ammar, Iqbal, F., Inayat, A., Khoja, A. H., ... & Amin, N. A. S. "Agro-industrial residue Gasification feasibility in Captive Power Plants: A South-Asian Case Study". Energy, 118952., (2021). (IF: 6.040).


  1. Nawaz, M., Maulud, A. S., Zabiri, H., Taqvi, Syed Ali Ammar, & Idris, A. (2020). Improved process monitoring using the CUSUM and EWMA-based multiscale PCA fault detection framework. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering. (IF: 2.93)
  2. Shaik, N. B., Pedapati, S. R., Taqvi, Syed Ali Ammar, Ahsan, S., & Abd Dzubir, F. A. Classification of Faults in Oil and Gas Pipelines using Support Vector Machines in Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology, 28(S1), 2020. (Q2, SCOPUS Indexed)
  3. Syed Ali Ammar Taqvi, Haslinda Zabiri, Lemma Dendena Tufa, Fahim Uddin, Syeda Anmol Fatima, Abdulhalim Shah Maulud, NARX Network Based Data-Driven Algorithm for Detection of Tray Faults in Nonlinear Dynamic Distillation Column in Jurnal Teknologi, 82(5), 2020. (Q2, SCOPUS Indexed)
  4. .Shahbaz, M., Taqvi, Syed Ali Ammar, Inayat, M., Inayat, A., Sulaiman, S. A., McKay, G., & Al-Ansari, T. (2020). Air catalytic biomass (PKS) gasification in a fixed-bed downdraft gasifier using waste bottom ash as catalyst with NARX Neural Network modelling. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 107048, . (IF: 4.0).
  5. M. Zulfiqar; M.F.R Samsudin; Taqvi, Syed Ali Ammar; Suriati Sufian, "Corrigendum to “Modelling and optimization of photocatalytic degradation of phenol via TiO2 nanoparticles: An insight into response surface methodology and artificial neural network", Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, Volume 384, June 2020, Pages 112039. (IF: 3.30)
  6. Naqvi, S. R., Ali, I., Nasir, S., Syed Ali Ammar Taqvi., Atabani, A. E., & Chen, W. H. Assessment of agro-industrial residues for bioenergy potential by investigating thermo-kinetic behavior in a slow pyrolysis process. Fuel, (2020), 278, 118259.  (IF: 5.12).
  7. Shaik, N.B.; Pedapati, S.R.; Syed Ali Ammar Taqvi,; Othman, A.R.; Dzubir, F.A.A. A Feed-Forward Back Propagation Neural Network Approach to Predict the Life Condition of Crude Oil Pipeline. Processes 2020, 8, 661. (IF: 2.993).
  8. Shakeel, K.; Javaid, M.; Muazzam, Y.; Naqvi, S.R.; Syed Ali Ammar Taqvi; Uddin, F.; Mehran, M.T.; Sikander, U.; Niazi, M.B.K. Performance Comparison of Industrially Produced Formaldehyde Using Two Different Catalysts. Processes 2020, 8, 571. (IF: 2.993).
  9. Mujtaba, S. M., Lemma, T. A., Taqvi, Syed Ali Ammar, Ofei, T. N., & Vandrangi, S. K. (2020). Leak Detection in Gas Mixture Pipelines under Transient Conditions Using Hammerstein Model and Adaptive Thresholds. Processes, 8(4), 474. (IF: 2.993).


  1. Hafeez A., Syed A. Taqvi, T. Fazal, et al., “Optimization on Cleaner Intensification of Ozone Production Using Artificial Neural Network and Response Surface Methodology: Parametric and Comparative Study” in Journal of Cleaner Production (2019) (IF: 6.39).
  2. K. Shakeel, M. Javaid, Y. Muazzam, S.R. Naqvi, Syed A. Taqvi, et al. “Performance Comparison of Industrially Produced Formaldehyde Using Two Different Catalysts” in Processes (2019). (Article in Press) (IF: 2.05).
  3. Muhammad Shahbaz, Syed A. Taqvi, Suzana Yusup, , Adrian Chun Minh Loy, Abrar Inayat, “Artificial Neural Network approach for the steam gasification of palm oil waste using bottom ash and CaO” in Renewable Energy 132 (2019): 243-254. (IF:5.43)
  4. Nadia Khan, Syed A. Taqvi, Hamza Bin Rafiq, Asra Nafees, “Selection of appropriate model for the synthesis of Coal Water Slurry (CWS) using PVA and TEA" in Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 38(2): 253-261, 2019. (IF: 1.1).


  1. Syed A. Taqvi., Tufa, L.D., H. Zabiri, A. Maulud, Uddin, F. “Multiple Fault Classification in Distillation Column using Multi-Kernel Support Vector Machine” in Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 57(43) 2018, 14689-14706. (IF:3.37)
  2. Syed A. Taqvi., Tufa, L.D., H. Zabiri, Abdulhalim Shah Maulud, Uddin, F. “Fault Detection in Distillation Column using NARX Neural Network” in Neural Computing and Applications 2018. (IF: 4.664)
  3. A.A.A. Mohd Amiruddin, Syed A. Taqvi, H. Zabiri, L. D. Tufa “Neural network applications in fault diagnosis and detection: An overview of implementations in engineering related systems” in Neural Computing and Applications 2018. (IF: 4.664).
  4. K. M. S. Salvinder; H. Zabiri, Syed A. Taqvi, M. Ramasamy, F. Isa, H. Suleman; A. Maulud, A. M. Shariff, An overview on Control Strategies for CO2 Capture using Absorption/ Stripping System” in Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 147, 319-337 (2019) (IF:3.07).
  5. Salman Raza Naqvi, Zeeshan Hameed, Syed A. Taqvi, Imtiaz Ali, “Synergistic effect on co-pyrolysis of rice husk and sewage sludge by thermal behavior, kinetics, thermodynamic parameters and artificial neural network” in Waste Management 85 (2019): 131-140. (IF:4.431).
  6. Naqvi, S. R., Tariq, R., Hameed, Z., Ali, I., Syed A. Taqvi, Naqvi, M., Farooq, W. (2018). Pyrolysis of high-ash sewage sludge: Thermo-kinetic study using TGA and artificial neural networks. Fuel (2018), 233, 529-538. (IF:5.12)
  7. Naqvi, S. R., Tariq, R., Hameed, Z., Ali, I., Syed A. Taqvi, Wei-Hsin Chen Naqvi, M., Muhammad, Junaid Ahmad, Shahbaz Farooq, “Pyrolysis of high ash sewage sludge: kinetics and thermodynamic analysis using Coats- Redfern method. Renewable Energy, 2018 131 (2019): 854-860. (IF:5.43)
  8. K.M.S. Salvinder, H. Zabiri, F. Isa, Syed A. Taqvi, M.A.H. Roslan, Azmi M. Shariff “Dynamic modelling, simulation and basic control of CO2 absorption based on high pressure pilot plant for natural gas treatment” in International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 2018 70, 164-177. (IF:3.23)
  9. F Uddin, LD Tufa, Abdulhalim Shah Maulud, Syed A. Taqvi, “System Behavior and Predictive Controller Performance near Azeotropic Region” in Chemical Engineering & Technology 2018 41(4), 806-818. (IF:2.05)


  1. Uddin, F., Tufa, L.D., Syed A. Taqvi., Vellen, N.: Development of regression models by closed–loop identification of distillation column-a case study. Indian J. Sci. Technol. 10, 1–6 (2017).
  2. Syed A. Taqvi., Tufa, L., Muhadizir, S.: Optimization and dynamics of distillation column using Aspen Plus®. Procedia Engineering 148, 978–984 (2016).
  3. Syed A. Taqvi, Mariam Sohail, Uddin. F (2016) Utlization of Ion- Exchange Technology for Boiler Feed Water Pro-duction-Design and Testing. Chemical Engineering, 1, 26-35.
  4. F Uddin, Syed A. Taqvi, I Memon,: Process simulation and sensitivity analysis of indirect coal gasification using aspen plus model. ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 11 (17), 10546-10552.
  5. Syed A. Taqvi, Tufa, L.D., Mahadzir, S.: Rigorous steady-state simulation of acetone production using Aspen HYSYS®. Aust. J. Basic Appl. Sci. 9, 535–542 (2016).
  6. Syed A. Taqvi, Uddin, F., Tufa, L. D., Memon, I., & Hussain, M. (2015). Aspen Plus® Simulation of a Coal Gasification Process (Geometric Analysis). Journal of Chemical Engineering & Process Technology, 6 (6): 264.

Conference Proceedings

  1. Syed A. Taqvi, H. Zabiri, Tufa, L.D., A. Fatima, A. Maulud, “Distillation Column: Review of Major Disturbances in 9th IEEE International Conference On Control System, Computing and Engineering (ICCSCE), Penang, Malaysia, 2019, pp. 168-171.
  2. A. Fatima, H. Zabiri, Syed A. Taqvi, NM. Ramli, “System Identification of Industrial Debutanizer Column” in 9th IEEE International Conference On Control System, Computing and Engineering 2019 (ICCSCE), Penang, Malaysia, 2019, pp. 178-183.
  3. Emad ul Hasan, Rosdiazli Ibrahim, Syed. A. Taqvi and Clment Olivier, “Online System Modeling of Chemical Process Plant using U-Model.” in 3rd International Symposium in Robotics and Manufacturing Automation (ROMA), 2017 IEEE.
  4. Syed. A. Taqvi, L. D. Tufa, H. Zabiri, S. Mahadzir, A. S. Maulud, and F. Uddin, "Rigorous dynamic modelling and identification of distillation column using Aspen Plus," in Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium (ICSGRC), 2017 IEEE 8th, 2017, pp. 262-267.
  5. F Uddin, Syed A. Taqvi, I Memon,: Sensitivity Analysis of Thar Coal Gasification using Steam. 1st International Conference on Advanced Materials and Process Engineering, Pakistan, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35760.56329 (2015).
  6. Faiza Ilyas Vohra, Uddin F., Syed A. Taqvi,: Development of a Proto-Type Model for Drinking Water Treatment using Activated Carbon. 1st International Conference on Advanced Materials and Process Engineering, Pakistan, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32403.48165, (2015).
  7. S. Nadeem, Syed A. Taqvi, Organic Acid Production From Fruit Waste Using Solid State Fermentation As A Green Technology: A Malaysian Perspective (Short Review), 5th International Mechanical Engineering Congress, At NED University of Engineering and Technology, May, 2015.
  8. Syed A. Taqvi,., Uddin, F., Memon, I: To Study the Behavior of Gasifier and Simulation of Coal Gasification using Steam using Aspen-Plus® Model (Geometric Analysis), 1st International Coal Conference ICC2013, At Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro, November, 2013.
  9. Uddin, F., Syed A. Taqvi, Memon, I Mitigating Energy Crisis by Coal Gasification using Steam - Sensitivity Analysis using Aspen-Plus® Simulation), 1st International Coal Conference ICC2013, At Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro, November, 2013.

Books Chapters

  1. Naqvi, S. R., Syed Ali Ammar Taqvi, Mehran, M. T., Khoja, A. H., Naqvi, M., Bokhari, A., & Amin, N. A. S. (2021). Catalytic pyrolysis of biomass using shape-selective zeolites for bio-oil enhancement. In Bioenergy Resources and Technologies (pp. 39-60). Academic Press. 
  2. Syed A. Taqvi, Rubab S., Mohd Fadzil Hassan “Realizing the Value of Big Data in Process Monitoring and Control: Current Issues and Opportunities” in Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing”, 2018 (pp. 128-138) Springer, Cham.
  3. Syed A. Taqvi, S. A., Tufa, L. D., Zabiri, H., Mahadzir, S., Maulud, A. S., & Uddin, F. (2017, August). Artificial neural network for anomalies detection in distillation column. In Asian Simulation Conference (pp. 302-311). Springer, Singapore.
  4. Hussain, M., Tufa, L. D., Yusup, S., Zabiri, H., & Syed A. Taqvi. (2017, August). Aspen Plus® Simulation Studies of Steam Gasification in Fluidized Bed Reactor for Hydrogen Production Using Palm Kernel Shell. In Asian Simulation Conference (pp. 628-641). Springer, Singapore.
  5. Syed A. Taqvi, Uddin F.: Indirect Coal Gasification using Aspen-Plus® Model, Simulation Studies and Geometric Analysis, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN: 978-3-659-79355-4, First Edition, January, 2016.

Intellectual Properties/Copyrights

  1. Multiple Fault Diagnosis in Distillation Column Using Multikernel Support Vector Machine. Status: [Applied], Filing Date: [15/03/2019], Copyright #: [LY2019001302], [Perak], Malaysia. [Syed A. Taqvi, Zabiri. H., LD Tufa, Uddin. F; A. Maulud].
  2. NARX Network FDA: Fault Detection in Distillation Column Using NARX Neural Network. Status: [Applied], Filing Date: [15/03/2019], Copyright #: [LY2019001304], [Perak], Malaysia. [Syed A. Taqvi, Zabiri. H., LD Tufa, Uddin. F; A. Maulud].





List of Publications

  1. Ahmed Ullah, Asim Mushtaq, Rizwan Ahmed Qamar, Zaeem Uddin Ali “Extraction of Soil Conditioners from Food Waste” Science International-Lahore, Volume 31, No. 02, (2019): 347-354. (Impact Factor: 1.81).
  2. Ahmed Ullah, Asim Mushtaq, Rizwan Ahmed Qamar, Zaeem Uddin Ali “Statistical Study for Conversion of Glucose to High   Fructose Corn Syrup” Science International-Lahore, Volume 31, No. 03, (2019): 403-420. (Impact Factor: 1.81).
  3. Ahmed Ullah, Asim Mushtaq, Rizwan Ahmed Qamar, Zaeem Uddin Ali “Study of Facility Design for Conversion of Glucose to High Fructose Corn Syrup” Science International-Lahore, Volume 31, No. 03, (2019): 465-472. (Impact Factor: 1.81).
  4. Ahmed Ullah, Asim Mushtaq, Rizwan Ahmed Qamar, Zaeem Uddin Ali “Waste Heat Recovery from Stack Gases in a Cement Plant” Science International-Lahore, Volume 31, No. 04, (2019): 555-567. (Impact Factor: 1.81).
  5. Ahmed Ullah, Asim Mushtaq, Rizwan Ahmed Qamar, Zaeem Uddin Ali “Replacement of Fossil Fuels by Refused Derived Fuel at Cement Plant” Science International-Lahore, Volume 31, No. 04, (2019): 587-602. (Impact Factor: 1.81).
  6. Rizwan Ahmed Qamar, Asim Mushtaq, Ahmed Ullah, Zaeem Uddin Ali “PRODUCTION OF PARA-XYLENE VIA ISOMERIZATION” Science International-Lahore, Volume 31, No. 05, (2019): 663-682. (Impact Factor: 1.81).
  7. Rizwan Ahmed Qamar, Asim Mushtaq, Ahmed Ullah, Zaeem Uddin Ali “PRODUCTION OF FUEL GRADE ETHANOL FROM CELLULOSE USING ASPEN PLUS- SIMULATION” Science International-Lahore, Volume 31, No. 05, (2019): 683-694. (Impact Factor: 1.81).
  8. Rizwan Ahmed Qamar, Asim Mushtaq, Ahmed Ullah, Zaeem Uddin Ali “ELECTROCHEMICAL CONVERSION OF CARBON DIOXIDE TO DIFFERENT HYDRO CARBONS” Science International-Lahore, Volume 31, No. 06, (2019): 869-883. (Impact Factor: 1.81).
  9. Ahmed Ullah, Asim Mushtaq, Rizwan Ahmed Qamar, Zaeem Uddin Ali “DEVELOPMENT OF ENHANCED PIEZOELECTRICITY” Science International-Lahore, Volume 31, No. 06, (2019): 933-941. (Impact Factor: 1.81).
  10. Rizwan Ahmed Qamar, Asim Mushtaq, Ahmed Ullah, Zaeem Uddin Ali “TURBINE-POWERED AIR WATER GENERATOR” Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, Volume 64, No. 01, (2019): 43-62.
  11. Asim Mushtaq, Ahmed Ullah, Rizwan Ahmed Qamar, Zaeem Uddin Ali “Carbon Capture Process From Cement Industry” Science International-Lahore, Volume 32, No. 01, (2020): 75-88. (Impact Factor: 1.81).
  12. Ahmed Ullah, Asim Mushtaq, Rizwan Ahmed Qamar, Zaeem Uddin Ali “Designing of Advanced Solar Absorption Chilling Unit” International Journal of Engineering and Technology (UAE), Volume 09, No. 02, (2020): 284-298.
  13. Ahmed Ullah, Asim Mushtaq, Zaeem Uddin Ali, Rizwan Ahmed Qamar, Ahmed ul Bari, Hashir Izhar, Hussain Ahmed, Sameer Ahmed “Spatially Constrained Treatment of Raw Sewage to Produce Water for Domestic Use” Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, Volume 67, No. 01, (2020): 66-92.
  14. Rizwan Ahmed Qamar, Asim Mushtaq, Ahmed Ullah, Zaeem Uddin Ali “Aspen HYSYS Simulation of CO2 Capture for the Best Amine Solvent” Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, Volume 68, No. 02, (2020): 124-144.
  15. Rizwan Ahmed Qamar, Asim Mushtaq, Ahmed Ullah, Zaeem Uddin Ali “Designing of Underground Coal Gasification Unit” Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, Volume 71, No. 02, (2020): 103-133.
  16. Rizwan Ahmed Qamar, Asim Mushtaq, Ahmed Ullah, Zaeem Uddin Ali “Simulation of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Recovery From Off Gases In A Fuel Oil Refinery” Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, Volume 73, No. 01, (2020): 109-130.
  17. Ahmed Ullah, Asim Mushtaq, Rizwan Ahmed Qamar, Zaeem Uddin Ali “Optimization of Organic Waste Biogas Reactor” Bulgarian Chemical Communications, Volume 52, No. 02, (2020): 214-229.
  18. Rizwan Ahmed Qamar, Asim Mushtaq, Ahmed Ullah, Zaeem Uddin Ali “Simulation of Ammonia Looping Dissociation and Formation for Energy Conversion” Journal of Advanced Research in Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences, Volume 74, No. 01, (2020): 165-188.
  19. Ahmed Ullah, Asim Mushtaq, Rizwan Ahmed Qamar, Zaeem Uddin Ali “Biogas Processing by Anaerobic Digestion of Organic Solid Waste” Pakistan Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Volume 28, No. 01, (2021): 1-13.
  20. Ahmed Ullah, Asim Mushtaq, Rizwan Ahmed Qamar, Zaeem Uddin Ali “Performance Analysis and Modeling of Parabolic Trough Based Concentrated Solar Facility Using Different Thermal Fluid Mediums” Journal of Engineering Research, Manuscript ID: 8605 Volume 9, No. 01 March (2021):  13-50.
  21. Syed Muhammad Tariq, Asim Mushtaq, Ahmed Ullah, Rizwan Ahmed Qamar, Zaeem Uddin Ali, Siddiqah Afshan “Preparation of Polymer Coated Aggregate by Utilization of Waste Plastic for Pavement of Roads” Bulgarian Chemical Communications, Volume 53, No. 03, (2021): 294 - 306.
  22. Rizwan Ahmed Qamar, Asim Mushtaq, Ahmed Ullah, Zaeem Uddin Ali “Manufacturing of Electrochemical Cell and Enhanced its Efficiency by adding additive in Electrolyte” Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research Series A: Physical Sciences, Volume 65A, No. 01 (2022):  9-24.
  23. Rizwan Ahmed Qamar, Asim Mushtaq, Ahmed Ullah, Zaeem Uddin Ali “Solar Desalination of Water” Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research Series A: Physical Sciences, Volume 65A, No. 01 (2022):  41-46.
  24. Rizwan Ahmed Qamar, Asim Mushtaq, Ahmed Ullah, Zaeem Uddin Ali “Manufacturing of Small Scale Water Treatment Plant for Household” Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research Series A: Physical Sciences, Volume 65A, No. 01 (2022):  47-58.
  25. Rizwan Ahmed Qamar, Asim Mushtaq, Ahmed Ullah, Zaeem Uddin Ali “Simulation and Capacity Evaluation of Refinery Flare System and Comparative Analysis of Carbon Capture Technologies” Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Volume 41, No. 01 (2022): 328-345.
  26. Rizwan Ahmed Qamar, Asim Mushtaq, Ahmed Ullah, Zaeem Uddin Ali, Ali Ayaz, Sumbal Javaid, Izram Sheikh, Muhammad Mesum,  “Selection of Suitable Techniques for Treatment of Wastewater in Karachi” Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research Series A: Physical Sciences, Volume 65A, No. 02 (2022):  140-158.
  27. Rizwan Ahmed Qamar, Asim Mushtaq, Ahmed Ullah, Zaeem Uddin Ali, Syed Muhammad Tarique, Ayesha Muzaffar, Fatima Jahangir, Tahira Firdous, Aeliya Fatima “Comparative Study of Thermal Waste Recovery Systems Deployed in Three Different Chemical Units” Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Volume 41, No. 04 (2022): 1458-1500.


List of Publications

  1. Muhbat, S., Tufail, M., & Hashmi, S. (2021). “Production of diesel-like fuel by co-pyrolysis of waste lubricating oil and waste cooking oil. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery”, 1-11.
  2. Sajid Muhbat*, Tufail M., Aniqa Saleem, Kainat Amin Ismail Bora, Sheheryar Arshad, Hafiz Amin-Ur Rehman, Saud Hashmi, Awan Zahoor (2015).” Liquid Fuel Production by Co-pyrolysis of Waste Cooking Oiland Waste Engine Oil”. 1st International conference on Advanced Materials and Process Engineering, NED University.

List of Publications

1. Saad Nadeem, Asad Mumtaz, Mudassar Mumtaz, M.I. Abdul Mutalib, Maizatul Shima Shaharun, Bawadi Abdullah, “Visible light driven CO2 reduction to methanol by Cu-porphyrin impregnated mesoporous Ti-MCM-48”, Journal of Molecular Liquids, Volume 272,2018, Pages 656-667,

2. Saad Nadeem, Mumtaz, A., Alnarabiji, M.S. et al. “Highly porous Zr-MCM-48 immobilized Cuporphyrin for photocatalytic reduction of CO2 to methanol in a slurry reactor”. J Mater Sci: Mater Electron 32, 22060–22075 (2021).

 3. S. Nadeem, I.A. Mutalib, M.S. Shahrun, “Synthesis of Metalloporphyrin Encapsulated Zeolite A for Photocatalytic Orange II Degradation”, Procedia Engineering, 148 (2016) 1282-1288. 

4. Saad Nadeem, Mohamed Ibrahim Abdul Mutalib, Maizatul Shima Shaharun. “One pot syntheses and characterization of meso-5, 10, 15, 20-copper tetraphenylporphyrin”, Rasayan journal of chemistry;Vol. 9 | No. 3 |309 -314 | July-September | 2016.

5. S. Nadeem, F. Iqbal, M.I.A. Mutalib, B. Abdullah, M.S. Shaharun, “Synthesis and characterization of thermally stable zirconia based mesoporous nanosilica with metalloporphyrin encapsulation”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1891 (2017) 020107.

6. Farukh Iqbal, Saad Nadeem, Kamran Zakaria and Bawadi Abdullah, “ZnFe2O4 Doped TiO2 Photocatalyst Synthesis and Characterization with Effect of Different Coupling Ratios on Band Gap”, Journal of the chemical society of pakistan, vol - 43, issue - 6, Page: 736

7. Mohamad Sahban Alnarabiji, Noorhana Yahya, Saad Nadeem, Muhammad Adil, Mirza Khurram Baig, Ouahid Ben Ghanem, Khairun Azizi, Shehzad Ahmed, Belladonna Maulianda, Jiří Jaromír Klemeš, Khaled Abdalla Elraies, “Nanofluid enhanced oil recovery using induced ZnO nanocrystals by electromagnetic energy: Viscosity increment”, Fuel, Volume 233, 2018, Pages 632-643, ISSN 00162361,

8. F. Zafar, P.C. Mandal, K.Z.b.K. Shaari, S. Nadeem, “Total acid number reduction kinetics of naphthenic acids using non-catalytic subcritical methanol”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1891 (2017) 020148.  

9. S. Nadeem et al., "Citric Acid Future Prospects for Pakistan, a Short Review", Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 625, pp. 6164,

10. Awan Zahoor, Zafar Khan Ghouri, Saud Hashmi, Faizan Raza, Shagufta Ishtiaque, Saad Nadeem, Inayat Ullah, and Kee Suk Nahm, “Electrocatalysts for Lithium–Air Batteries: Current Status and Challenges”, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2019 7 (17), 14288-14320

11. Hashmi S, Nadeem S, Awan Z, Rehman AU, Ghani AA. “Synthesis, Applications and Swelling Properties of Poly (Sodium Acrylate-Coacrylamide) Based Superabsorbent Hydrogels”. Journal of the chemical society of pakistan. 2019 Aug 1;41(4):668-78. 

12. Organic acid production from Fruit waste using Solid State Fermentation as a Green Technology: A Malaysian perspective, journal of chemical engineering and process technology (accepted for publication)  

13. Saud Hashmi, Saad Nadeem, Alberto Garcia Penas, Rafiq Ahmed, Awan Zahoor, Mohammad Vatankhah-Varnoosfaderani, Florian J. Stadler, “Study the Effects of Supramolecular Interaction on Diffusion Kinetics in Hybrid Hydrogels of Zwitterionic Polymers and CNTs”, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, vol – 223, issue – 1, 1022-1352,

14. M.S. Khan, I. Ahmed, M.I.b.A. Mutalib, S. Nadeem, S. Ali, “Influence of H2O2on LPG fuel performance evaluation”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1621 (2014) 763-768.

15. S Hashmi, A Mushtaq, S Nadeem, Z Awan, ZU Ali, “Tertiary Amine-Mediated Polyvinyl Alcohol Membrane Over the Porous Support of Polyvinyl Chloride Membrane for CO2 Separation”, International

Journal of Membrane Science and Technology 8 (2), 29.

16. Hashmi, Z., Jatoi, A., Nadeem, S., “Comparative analysis of conventional to biomass-derived adsorbent for wastewater treatment: a review”, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery,

17.  K Zakaria, S Hafeez, S Nadeem, A Ishtiaq, S Huma, “Pricing Options with Modified Time-Fractional

BS. Equation and with Samudu Transform”- RADS Journal of Business Management,      Vol- 3, No- 2, 2021.

18.  Saad Nadeem, Fahim Uddin, Maizatul Shima Shaharun, Mohamed Ibrahim Abdul Mutalib, “Yield optimization for one Pot Synthesis of Cu, Mn based Metalloporphyrin”, Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan, Volume 44, No. 05, October issue, 2022.

19.    Kamran ZAKARIA, MIR Saima, Saad Nadeem, Abdullah Ishtiaq, Huma Shifa, “Identification of precipitation zones in Pakistan by global wavelet power spectrum.”, Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Volume 40, No. 03, September issue, 2022, 663-672.

20.   Saad Nadeem, Sajid Muhbat, Kamran Zakaria and Ghulam Mustafa,”Arduino controlled Catalytic Pyrolysis of Plastic/Municipal Waste to Higher Hydrocarbons”, Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan, Volume 46, No. 02, April issue, 2024.





List of Publications

  1. “Numerical simulation of low pressure drop static mixers for mixing optimization”.
    Syed Muhammad Tariq, Asim Muhstaq, Ahmed Ullah, Rizwan Ahmed Qamar, Zaeem Uddin Ali, Muhammad
    Hassan, Uzair Ahmed, Syed Sarfaraz Alam, Maryam Sadiq
    Accepted in Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
  2. “Preparation of polymer-coated aggregate by utilization of waste plastic for pavements of roads”.
    Syed Muhammad Tariq, Asim Mushtaq, Ahmed Ullah, Rizwan Ahmed Qamar,Zaeem Uddin Ali.
    Bulgarian Chemical Communication, Volume 53, Issue 3, (pp 294-306), 2021
  1. “Comparative study of Thermal waste recovery systems deployed in three different chemical units”.
    Asim Mushtaq, Rizwan Ahmed Qamar, Ahmed Ullah, Zaeem Uddin Ali, Syed Muhammad Tariq.
    Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (IJCCE),2021.